By craigslistadsweho in Home on 18 November 2013 à 11:17
If you are sick and tired of seeing the same posts OVER and OVER again, sometimes right next to each other; we can now take action! All classified sections are community monitored; which means Craigslist will leave most of the enforcement of Terms of Use to the users themselves.
This is where we can empower ourselves. If like me you flag an ad think it would just go away, think again. The ad will need to be flagged a "sufficient" number of times for it to be removed. See link below for more detailed information
The purpose of this blog is for those to post a link to an ad they feel needs to be removed. We then as users can click on the link and through crowd sourcing, flag the ad the sufficient number of times for it to be removed.
This is all new so the system is not perfect but it is a start. You will find many links if you Google Flag Craigslist Ads on how to do this on your own. It is possible but it requires a lot of effort and technical know-how.
It also defeats the purpose of the community of users to determine if they ad should be flagged or not.
This blog will begin with the Men for Men/Casual Encounters section of the Los Angeles Craigslist site. For those of you who live here, you know what I mean.
I'll post some links to CHRONIC posters who are abusing the free classified section for "massage" ad escort services.
If you would like to post a link to be flagged, simply leave a comment to this article with a brief note as to why it should be flagged.
Ths is an experiment so expect this to evolve very quickly, or die very quickly.
We shall see.
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